Last week there was a retreat for the staff at the school where I work. I think a retreat should always include a pedicure, but it didn't. Ours was a bonding retreat. This is a pit bull blog, so I won't go into my feelings about activities designed to artificially create bonding in the workplace. One of the less irritating things we were instructed to do was to create a metaphor.
When I am teaching at my best, I am like (insert your metaphor here.)
(Which is, by the way, the very same activity a friend in Massachusetts had to do at one of her university-staff bonding retreats.)
At any rate, I said, "When I am teaching at my best, I am like a pit bull: eager, enthusiastic, fun-loving, good-natured and exuberant.
I think it's time to create new metaphors for pit bulls.
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